Advancing Equity in Historic Preservation: OUR COMMITMENT
Help build state support for the Minnesota Main Streets program and its strong and robust network of volunteers, small business owners, and community leaders by joining with us for the fourth iteration of Main Streets at the Capitol on Tuesday, February 21
Make appointments today to connect with your state representative and senator to share stories about your downtown and the opportunities that it provides for your community to thrive. Following visits at the Capitol, come to the new Rethos Headquarters in downtown St. Paul to connect with folks in the Main Street network, meet and mingle with Legislators, and celebrate our downtowns and business districts.
Learn how to advocate effectively and get an overview of Rethos’ Main Streets priorities during a virtual orientation scheduled for Friday, February 10 at noon.
Main Streets at the Capitol is free and open to the public, but advance registration is required to receive the webinar link for the virtual orientation and to attend Networking Open House on Feb. 21. Visit this link to register for either or both events.