Advancing Equity in Historic Preservation: OUR COMMITMENT


We reimagine, rehabilitate, revitalize, repurpose, rekindle, restore, reconnect, reuse, and reinvest.
Through a variety of programs, our unique approach is how places and communities are reimagined.
This work starts at home, then spills out to our block, our neighborhood, our city and state, until it covers
our entire region with no boundaries or limits.
Our Education Program is building a community of homeowners, craftspeople, DIYers, Realtors, and
anyone who cares about (or cares for) old buildings. Hands-on workshops and classes connect you to the tools, skills, and experiences you need to take good care of the places you love.
Minnesota Main Streets
A thriving downtown has a powerful impact on a community, its people, finances and growth. That’s why we’re proud to oversee programs that help towns and small cities maximize both their people and build assets for economic vitality.
Policy Institute
We are committed to protecting the Historic Tax Credit at the State and Federal level. We work closely with legislators, heritage commission groups, and local advocates to keep this program as one of the key resources for protecting and rehabilitating historic buildings across Minnesota.
Historic Rehabilitation
Loan Program
Our Historic Rehabilitation Loan Program makes reimagining historic places possible. We partner with industry leaders in development, finance, construction, and legal fields to create vibrant, modernized spaces that generate income and sales, while reigniting enthusiasm from
the community.