Rethos has been selected by Interior Secretary Haaland to receive the historic Duluth Harbor North Pierhead Lighthouse.
In a letter dated February 6, 2023 from the United States Department of the Interior, the honorable Deb Haaland, U.S. Secretary of the Interior notified Rethos Executive Director Dr. Heidi Swank, that the National Park Service (NPS) recently “forwarded a recommendation for the selection of Rethos as the recipient of the Duluth Harbor North Pierhead Light”, and she is “pleased to inform that [she] has accepted NPS’ recommendation and [is] forwarding [her] selection decision to the General Services Administration (GSA).”
“I applaud the commitment of Rethos to the preservation of our Nation’s maritime heritage in accepting stewardship of the Duluth Harbor North Pierhead Light,” noted Haaland.
“Rethos is honored to be selected as the recipient of the Duluth Harbor North Pierhead Light. As a Minnesota-based nonprofit historic preservation organization we are delighted to serve as stewards of this landmark of American and Minnesota history and pleased to be recognized for our historic preservation efforts that celebrate people and the stories of the places that shape our collective heritage,” commented Swank.
“This iconic Duluth landmark is an ideal representation of how Rethos does its work. We partner with local leaders to save important historic structures, leveraging them to tell stories of the people and places linked to them,” said Rethos board president Kristen Anderson. “What a great complement to our Minnesota Main Streets partnership in the Lincoln Park neighborhood! We love Duluth and are excited to be working here,” she added.
The Duluth Harbor North Pier Light was erected in 1910 on the north breakwater of the Duluth Ship Canal. The structure, which features a short round tower built of steel plates, was inspired by the Peche Island Rear Range Light located off Peche Island on the Detroit River from Lake St. Clair in American waters just north of the border to Canada. Previously in 1847, a single light shined from the south pier proving difficult for approaches until 1896 when the Duluth Ship Canal underwent a reconstruction project to improve harbor facilities. In 1908, recommendations for the construction of a light on the north pier were made.